this is my first frankie magazine i bought in Sydney Airport, while i was waiting onboard.
it just catch my eyes among heaps of magazine from the news agent
and i can tell..i made the right choice..
it is just soooooooooo nice..
i tried to find this magazine in hk, but all i got is disappointment.
none of the foreign book shop sell this magazine, not even dymocks !!!!!
how to solve??? i asked my frd from melb to get a copy for me!!!
and i believe i m going to ask my sister to send me a copy of Frankie every twice months!!

and this is the second frankie i got!!!!
i cant wait to finish it !!!

oh yes..i got 2 new postcards from my frds..
they are just very my style..i heart this...!!!
alto they are not the traditional type of postcard.
what is traditional type???? the one with nice scene, n always a headline telling you where we went...ahhahahhahah